Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday is Dance Night!

For about twelve years I've been a Belly Dancer. I LOVE it! I've been dancing in some form or another since I was little but once I started doing this I couldn't stop.

About five years of that time, I was in a professional troupe but a little over a year ago we disbanded. We were all going in different directions and while we still love each other we went our separate ways. We started out with about fifteen dancers and one by one they filtered off until there were only six of us left. Of those six, we had two interested in Cabaret, two in Tribal and two in Goth. We all decided to continue with those types, at least for now. ;-)

Now, every Wednesday, I go to two dance classes, both from the same instructor. There are many, MANY types of Belly dancing, from Cabaret to Goth and below are just two...

...this is Jen, or 'Degenerate' as we like to call her ;-). She's a beautiful dancer no matter which type she does. This is called Fusion (you take every type of dance you know and mesh it all together into something unique and beautiful). This type is my first class on Wednesdays. Right now, we're learning three different choreographies.

...Amina (my Wednesday night instructor), Jen and Temis..this type is called ATS (American Tribal Style)(my second class tonight). A beautiful lady, Carolina with Fat Chance Bellydance,(look them up on youtube, you'll be amazed) created this and it's grown wild! It's completely improv, meaning one person leads while the others follow and the followers don't know what the leader is going to do until she does it. And they have to keep up. Watch it, it's wonderful!

Belly dancing is a great way to get exercise. It keeps you loose and limber (I had a bad knee when I started and it hasn't bothered me in years). It gives you confidence (try getting up on stage in those itty bitty costumes without it! and no, you don't have to wear those but they're fun and so beautiful!) and you make so many lovely friends, Belly Dancers are true sisters! However, belly dancing is a hobby..understand right now that if you're looking to make money at this, you never will. This is strictly for fun! You will never make enough money doing it to pay for your costumes, (I danced five years professionally and maybe earned $200). All belly dancers know this and we don't care. We don't do it for money, we do it for the love of dancing. Unless of course, you're a Bellydance Superstar! Then you're doing it for the love of dancing and for the money! ;-)

The first picture is mostly the Cabaret portion of the Superstars with the rest of the Tribal/Fusion portion in the second one. Sometimes they dance apart and others they dance together creating such beauty and showing the difference in the styles.

I encourage all women, and men too, to dance, whether its belly dancing or some other form...and keep smilin'!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This is my baby...

..well, technically, she's my mom's baby but she sleeps with me, follows me around, waits for me at the door when I get home...I don't know what she's going to do when I move. I bought a house and am painting it, replacing the flooring, etc and then I'm moving in. YIPPY! I've been living with Mom until I could find THE place for me...anyway, normally, Topaz (Rotten, Bunny Nose, Bunny Butt, Fat Butt, and a myriad of other names that fit the moment) and I eat our breakfast together then I go downstairs to get ready for work and she curls up in my spot on the couch to take her morning nap.
This morning, however, she followed me downstairs. I thought it was because she missed me (I've been over to my house each night painting, etc). Well, it wasn't. She just had to go potty and didn't want to go downstairs by herself cause she was scared. Big baby. I may have to play with her toes when I get home. She just hates that! :-)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Guess what I just did! I joined this beautiful sorority! Look at all the smiling happy people! What a fun place to be! I've been perusing the other sisters' blogs and what wonderful people they all are, so much talent and creativity! I can't wait to see what else they do...please come join us!

See this beautiful picture? I arrived too late (fashionably late, of course :-)) to join the 'rush'. You're supposed to take this beautiful picture and make something out of it. Well, its so pretty, I'm thinking I'm going to do it anyway, just to see what I can come up with. Les

Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010