Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sewing Machine Blues

I can't get to my sewing machine! See, we remodeled a bit and the stuff we had to move out of the workers' way had to go somewhere...right between me and my sewing machine. :-( I'm having serious withdrawals here! I also haven't had time to move the stuff back to where it goes...we definitely need 3 days each weekend instead of 2 to get all the things done that need to be done. I could handle that. This is the plan, to get all the stuff moved back this upcoming weekend so that I can once more get to my sewing machine and create some beautiful things! Yep, gonna do it! (wish me luck)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

White Christmas

Christmas Eve! and snow on the ground. :-) is there anything better than a White Christmas? Nothing I can think of. Christmas at our house is always the same. Putting on my warm robe and fuzzy slippers, drinking a cup of tea while watching the kid open her presents. Okay, she's 23 and no longer a kid but the feeling is the same. Then eating breakfast while watching the neighborhood kids trudging past all bundled up and dragging their new sleighs to 'The Hill' to break them in. A leisurely day spent with family and friends.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My World

Hi everybody. Welcome to my world, well, a little piece of it anyway. Let me tell you right now that I'm new to blogging. I kept a diary when I was a kid...for a little while...but I'd miss a day, then a week, then it would be months before I'd be able to get back to it and the poor book would be blank and neglected. I switched to a journal thinking that if I didn't have to follow the dates listed that I might be more diligent but the same thing would happen. Life was too chaotic and just didn't provide enough time during the day. I will certainly try to make time, hopefully each day, but at least a little each week, to fill you in on what's happening here so please bare with me. :-)